It just got more complex

I haven't posted for a while.

If anyone is looking for an archiect, they might like to know what hurdles an architect has to jump to obtain their building approval.

My first application was with (and for) my parents and it was a set of 2 A1 pages will all the information on them, including a short specification. At that time Ordinance 70 had just been replaced by the somewhat larger 1990 BCA (Building Code of Australia).

Since then the Bulding code has grown to the National Construction Code (NCC). That code now includes a raft of parts regarding climate design in "Section J" (based on very shaky science) and as complex as it is confusing.

In addition to the continual growth of the national code, state governemnt introduced a few SEPP (state planning instruments), including for Apartment Buildings, and now for complying developemnt for housing and 'granny flats'.

And if you are looking to design a house, the State Government now requires a BASIX certificate. It is meant to be user freindly so that any punter can obtai one, but even experinced users of teh sytem are often frustrated. Those who know a bit more know that it is not always consistent. In addition the the whole has not been shown to do what it was intended to do: reduce CO2 emissions. Having done some research, with a Masters Degree using the tools behind it, I know why.

In addition to that Local government has taken paper wasting to an art form.

You will require a Statement of Envionmental Effects
Which very rarley touches on unforseen impacts. It seems that just by identifying a possible impact it can be designed out, and so to set up set criteria means that those are dealt with. its teh impact that nobody sees which truly have an impact.

You may require even for a house:
Shadow diagrams
Bushfire report
Flood certificate
(Floor report)
Stormwater plan
Heritage report
Disabled Access assessment (not for a house)
Fauna & Flora report
Arbourist report
Landscape plan (for dual occupancy and all others but house)
Waste Management Plan
Aborginal Heritage report

For each of these there may be an expert required...

And now we have --- a new one We now as deigners need to write a design Work safety report- and more than that we need to make sure that the owner, you, knows your reponsibilty to pass it onto the builder.

So in the end the design might be buried under paperwork...and compliance.