Energy Use

What is the Impact of Paper Use?

Recently Lake Maquarie City Council (Australia) made their Development Application form 8 pages plus a five 5 page checklist instead of 2 pages.

Lightweight Concrete/ Hebel

Q. Does AAC Block/Hebel easily develop hairline cracks? If you use single skin 200mm external walls does it then need a water proof sealant and special paint?

A. Insulation levels are good (is it R1.5 or R1.97?) for 200 mm rendered blocks -
one of the few materials that BASIX doesn't require additional insulation to be
added. In my experience the bigger issue is poor(er) sound attenuation
through the material than has been suggested/implied by the manufacturer.
Being relatively lightweight it has little thermal mass to minimise sound
transfer or moderate the diurnal temperature range. NB

GL Vol. 1 No.1

This newsletter will introduce 2050 and summarise some recent CSIRO research findings.

Global Local Vol.1 No.1 GL1_1.pdf