Precedent Study in Rhythm & Repetition

The planners at Maitland City Council used the aesthetic argument that dual occupanices should be different to block the approval of two dual occupancies adjacent to each other. We had deliberately made the four houses into a streetscape.

The PDF below is the research presented to the planner at Maitland City Council. Maitland City Council never responded to this document. They shifted their ground however and made up a "rule" that there was to be no excavation over 1m on site. The issue of repetition was not refered to again. As a result of changing the levels, the last issue we had to deal with was the driveway gradients, which was not referred to in the initial letters. Each time we went to Council they made up something else, until we redesigned it so that the two proposals were different. They have made the developments look more like two dual occupancies together rather than a little village. The perspective sketch of the final version can be seen in projects, Dual Ocupancy, Largs.
